Radio One Inc is a full-service wireless infrastructure provider with expertise in most all solutions and services, including In Building Wireless (IBW). We have earned a positive relationship in the wireless industry through decades of successful wireless infrastructure installations and quality workmanship performed by trained and certified technicians.

Wireless in-building signal coverage requirements are based on national codes initiated by the following organizations:

  • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
  • International Fire Code (IFC)
  • Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
  • Building Code
  • Motorola R56
  • ANSI
  • IEEE

It is the responsibility of building owner or operator to have their building tested by a certified Public Safety DAS professional. Having someone who understands local codes is imperative since each jurisdiction and municipality may vary in their required ordinances and statutes. Most local jurisdictions will enforce amended versions or use different codebooks. Our DAS specialists stay up to date on all these changes. We have long-term relationships with many of the AHJs (such as your local fire marshall) and understand specifically how they are interpreting code compliance. Navigating all these fire code requirements to compliance can easily become overwhelming. Leverage our DAS experts to help you.

Our engineers, designs, installs and certifies, public safety Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) to comply with Fire Prevention Code NFPA 72, NFPA 1221 and IFC 510 DAS fire codes for ERCES. All public safety DAS systems must be able to pass the commissioning test, acceptance test and annual system performance and battery backup tests.

Florida Passes SB 1190

Clarifying and expanding exemptions for in-building public safety communications coverage

Florida Fire Prevention Code (FFPC) requires adequate public safety communications coverage inside buildings (new and existing). Florida statute § 633.202 (18) provides for a compliance extension until 2025 for existing high-rise buildings, and now provides for a full exemption for one very specific building type.

Florida SB 1190 [2022 session], signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis on June 24, 2022, substantially updated Florida statute § 633.202 (18). These changes were effective July 1.

All new and existing buildings must comply with the Florida Fire Prevention Code requirements for in-building public safety communications coverage right now, unless they meet exceptions #1 or #2 below:

  1. All existing high-rise commercial and existing high-rise apartment buildings must comply with the Florida Fire Prevention Code requirements for in-building communications coverage beginning Jan. 2025. (Permits must be applied for by Jan., 2024.)
  2. One very specific exemption: Systems are not required in apartment buildings 75 feet or less in height that are constructed using wood framing, provided that the building has less than 150 dwelling units and that all dwelling units discharge to the exterior or to a corridor that leads directly to an exit as defined by the Florida Building Code.

Read the full SBC Code Advisory

Read the Florida Inbuilding Requirement Doc